
Extra-Special Bonus

I can't seem to fall asleep, so here's an unexpected, standalone Frequent 5er for your enjoyment and edification:

Frequent 5er
Song: Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, "Just To See My Holly Home"
Word: ubiquitous
Random/Obscure Sports Reference: Remember when Johnny Vander Meer threw back-to-back no-hitters? Well, neither do I, seeing as it happened in June of 1938. Still, it must have been pretty awesome.
Random/Obscure Non-Sports Reference: According to several biographical sources, Dick Cheney avoided the draft on five separate occasions thanks to educational and "hardship" deferments. Didn't Republicans crucify Bill Clinton for being a "draft dodger?" And why is it that Cheney, once cleared from service, became disturbingly comfortable with the process of engineering wars?
Quote/Quip: Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. [Mark Twain]

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